Operations methods
For the time being we will continue to offer an 'at the door service' with opportunities to chat and signpost.
Please remember that you need a voucher to access the foodbank. These are available from a wide range of agencies, such as Citizens Advice, North Somerset Council, With You, Somewhere To Go, health services, GPs, schools, churches and other support agencies.
You can see our Citizens Advice worker without appointment on Wednesdays between 11am and 2pm in North Street and in Chaucer Road on Tuesdays10-12. Another option is to contact the national Help Through Hardship helpline on 0808 208 2138.
Local outposts are now available to collect food from throughout the week. Vouchers issued for Weston Foodbank can be used in North Street or at any of the outposts but are only valid for one use.
Our parcels are prepared in advance and are designed to provide a minimum of 3 days emergency food (dry and ambient). We have different size parcels to accommodate household sizes and also some parcels designed for people with limited cooking facilities. To reduce our use of plastic bags, we are now packing the parcels in reusable crates. Please remember to bring your own bags. If it is easier you can take the crates away and return at your earliest convenience.
We can provide some food for dietary requirements and depending on what we have been gifted, we can sometimes provide fresh produce, toiletries, nappies, frozen items and more but this is completely dependent on what we receive.
Foodbank – North Street, 11-2.30pm
The Family Centre, Chaucer Road, 10-12
Banwell Youth & Community Centre, 10-12
Foodbank – North Street 11am-2.30pm
Banwell Youth & Community Centre, 10-12
Foodbank – North Street, 11-2.30pm
The Family Centre, Chaucer Road, 10-12
Please go to your local point if possible.