Give Help
Donate money
Big or small, every gift you give helps transform lives.
Regular giving:
You can set up a standing order using our bank details:
Account name: Weston – super – Mare Foodbank
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65858239
If you are a UK Tax Payer, we’d love you to gift aid your donation! You can do this by filling in the gift aid form linked below:
One-off gifts:
If you would like to give by BACS, then please use these details:
Account name: Weston – super – Mare Foodbank
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65858239
Please make cheques payable to: ‘Weston – super – Mare Foodbank’
Send the cheque to our office at WSM Foodbank, North Street, Weston – super – Mare, BS23 1QF
Online giving:
You can donate directly to Weston Foodbank via our Stewardship account. Please click the button below to be taken directly to the page. If you are a Stewardship account user, we are now registered to receive donations via your Stewardship account (Weston-super-Mare Foodbank, account 20251328). Thank you
You can also use the Bankuet donation platform. Donations to Bankuet are used to order bulk food and non food items directly delivered to our foodbank
Weston-super-Mare Foodbank — Bankuet ®
A single gift could secure someone’s future. Contact us to find out more.
Fundraise for us:
There are some helpful hints and ideas in our handy fundraising booklet.