More Than Food

Holiday Clubs Project

This Summer Weston Foodbank started a brand new project offering Holiday activities for families who are struggling over the holiday period. We ran our FFISH (Fun for Families in School Holidays) clubs for three weeks (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) to full capacity.

There are approximately 170 non-school days a year where children receiving Free School Meals (FSM) cannot access this food. Having children at home means having to find more food, childcare and ways to entertain children, all of which costs money. This puts pressure on household budgets making it even harder to ensure that children and families are eating well.

Our Holiday Club project welcomes children and parents or carers for a few hours offering breakfast, fun activities and a healthy lunch to share and plenty of opportunities to make new friends.

August 2017 saw our first Holiday Club sessions coming together. Families have been getting together, making new friends, have fun, spend some special family time and enjoy quality food. We even had a Children in Need Teddy Bear picnic courtesy of Asda’s Community Champion.


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